SnagRC WIshlist


If you place an order and would like to cancel it, you can send a cancellation request to the seller. The seller will review and can accept or deny the request.  Cancellation requests can only be sent for orders that are still pending shipment.  We encourage sellers to accept cancellation requests and refund the buyer.

If an item never arrived, the buyer and seller should check the tracking number. If there was no tracking number uploaded, the seller should offer a replacement or refund. If the buyer received their item but it’s faulty, damaged, or doesn't match the listing description, the seller should work to resolve the issue. 

If you have a specific problem with your order or if you need to return an item, please contact the Seller. Sellers should try and resolve any buyer issue in a timely manner.

snagRC encourages all sellers to offer a return policy. Each seller sets their own return policy and a transaction is always between a buyer and seller.

In the event that you need to escalate an issue to snagRC, please use the Resolution Center to create a ticket.  We will review and get back to you as soon as possible.  Sellers also need to remember that PayPal may step-in, in the event that you are not able to resolve an issue with the buyer.